A Minimum Demo
Here’s a minimum demo to get started with ELLA.
Install ELLA
Install ELLA follows the steps in Install ELLA if you haven’t done so yet.
The script and data that will be used in this demo should have already been downloaded (while cloning the ELLA repo). You should be able to find these at your local ELLA folder:
├── input
│ └── mini_demo_data.pkl
├── output
│ ├── df_nhpp_prepared.pkl
│ ├── df_registered.pkl
│ ├── lam_est.pkl
│ ├── nhpp_fit_results.pkl
│ └── pv_est.pkl
└── mini_demo.ipynb
The input data (input/mini_demo_data.pkl
) mainly contains a dictionary of three dataframes corresponding to gene expression, cell segmentation, and nucleus segmentation (optional). The data contains 5 cells and 4 genes, and its details are explained in ELLA’s Inputs.
The script of this demo is mini_demo.ipynb
, you should be able to run it locally by yourself (run time around 2min) and you would expected the following steps and outputs:
ELLA Anlysis
Data pre-processing
# import ELLA from ELLA.ELLA import model_beta, model_null, loss_ll, ELLA ella_demo = ELLA( dataset='demo1', adam_learning_rate_min=1e-2, max_iter=1000 ) # load data ella_demo.load_data(data_path='input/mini_demo_data.pkl') # register cells ella_demo.register_cells() # prepare data for model fitting ella_demo.nhpp_prepare()
Model fitting
# fit nhpp model ella_demo.nhpp_fit()
Testing and estimation
# expression intensity estimation ella_demo.weighted_density_est() # likelihood ratio test ella_demo.compute_pv()
Check out ELLA’s results
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import alphashape # define colors red = '#c0362c' lightorange = '#fabc2e' lightgreen = '#93c572' lightblue = '#5d8aa8' darkgray ='#545454' colors = [red, lightorange, lightgreen, lightblue] # cell IDs cells = ella_demo.cell_list_dict['fibroblast'] # gene IDs genes = ella_demo.gene_list_dict['fibroblast'] # FDR corrected p values pv = ella_demo.pv_fdr_tl['fibroblast'] # estimated expression intensities lam = ella_demo.weighted_lam_est['fibroblast'] # demo data demo_data = pd.read_pickle('input/demo_data.pkl') # cell segmentations cell_seg = demo_data['cell_seg'] # nucleus segmentations nucleus_seg = demo_data['nucleus_seg'] # gene expressions expr = demo_data['expr']
Plot the estimated expression intensities
nr = 1 nc = len(genes) ss_nr = 1.7 ss_nc = 2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(nc*ss_nc, nr*ss_nr), dpi=300) gs = fig.add_gridspec(nr, nc, width_ratios=[1]*nc, height_ratios=[1]*nr) gs.update(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.5) for i, g in enumerate(genes): ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,i]) pv_g = pv[i] lam_g = lam[i] lam_g_std = (lam_g-np.min(lam_g))/(np.max(lam_g)-np.min(lam_g)) ax.plot(np.linspace(0,1,len(lam_g_std)), lam_g_std, lw=2, color=colors[i]) ax.set_xticks([0,0.5,1], [0,0.5,1]) ax.set_yticks([0,0.5,1], [0,0.5,1]) ax.set_xlabel('Relative Position') if i==0: ax.set_ylabel('Expression Intensity') if pv_g < 1e-3: ax.set_title(f'{g}\np<1e-3') else: ax.set_title(f'{g}\np={pv_g:.3f}')
Here Slc38a2 looks like a nuclear localized genes as its estimated expression intensity is high when the relative position is near zero (corresponding to nuclear center); Col1a1 could be a nuclear edge localized gene as its expression intensity peaks around relative position 0.3; Actn1 should be a cytoplasmic localized gene as its expression intensity peak around 0.6; and Cyb5r3 should be a cell membrane localized gene as its expression intensity peaks near 1 (corresponding to the cell membrane).
More to plot: We can further plot the cells and genes to have a more intuitive sense of the localization patterns.
alphas = [0.6, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5]
nr = len(genes)
nc = len(cells)
ss_nr = 2
ss_nc = 2
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(nc*ss_nc, nr*ss_nr), dpi=300)
gs = fig.add_gridspec(nr, nc,
gs.update(wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0)
for i, c in enumerate(cells):
for j, g in enumerate(genes):
ax = plt.subplot(gs[j,i])
cell_seg_c = cell_seg[cell_seg.cell==c]
nucleus_seg_c = nucleus_seg[nucleus_seg.cell==c]
expr_c = expr[expr.cell==c]
# cell segmentation
x_reduced = (cell_seg_c.x.values//10) * 10 # reduce resolution to speedup alphashape
y_reduced = (cell_seg_c.y.values//10) * 10
points = np.stack((x_reduced, y_reduced)).transpose()
unique_points = np.unique(points, axis=0)
alpha_shape_ = alphashape.alphashape(unique_points, 0.1)
cb_x_, cb_y_ = alpha_shape_.exterior.xy
ax.plot(cb_x_, cb_y_,
color=darkgray, lw=1, zorder=1)
# nuclear segmentation
x_reduced = (nucleus_seg_c.x.values//10) * 10 # reduce res to speedup alphashape
y_reduced = (nucleus_seg_c.y.values//10) * 10
points = np.stack((x_reduced, y_reduced)).transpose()
unique_points = np.unique(points, axis=0)
alpha_shape_ = alphashape.alphashape(unique_points, 0.1)
cb_x_, cb_y_ = alpha_shape_.exterior.xy
ax.plot(cb_x_, cb_y_,
color=darkgray, lw=1, zorder=1)
# gene expr
expr_c_g = expr_c[expr_c.gene==g]
s = 20,
# cell center
xc = expr_c.centerX.iloc[0]
yc = expr_c.centerY.iloc[0]
ax.scatter(xc, yc, c=darkgray, marker='+',lw=1, s=60, zorder=3)
ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
if j==0:
if i==0: