A Complete Demo

Here’s a demo introducing a relatively complete ELLA analysis pipeline.

The script and data that will be used in this demo should have already been downloaded (while cloning the ELLA repo). You should be able to find these at your local ELLA folder:

├── input
│   └── complete_demo_data.pkl
├── output
│   ├── df_nhpp_prepared_saved.pkl
│   ├── df_registered_saved.pkl
│   ├── lam_est.pkl
│   ├── nhpp_fit_results_saved.pkl
│   └── pv_est.pkl
└── complete_demo.ipynb

The data is a subset of the processed seqFISH+ embryonic fibroblast dataset. The input data (input/complete_demo_data.pkl) mainly contains a dictionary of three dataframes corresponding to gene expression, cell segmentation, and nucleus segmentation (optional) with 20 cells and 50 genes.

The script of this demo is complete_demo.ipynb, you should be able to run it locally by yourself (run time around 3min), expecting the following steps and outputs:

  1. Initiating ELLA:
    # import ELLA
    from ELLA.ELLA import model_beta, model_null, loss_ll, ELLA
    ella_demo = ELLA(dataset='demo2')
    # load data
  2. Run the data pre-processing and model fitting steps:
    # register cells
    # prepare data for model fitting
    # model fitting

    As this could take a couple of minutes, to save time, let’s instead use the saved results in the output folder. ELLA can easily load saved results with:

    # load registered cells
    # load prepared data for model fitting
    # load model fitting results
  3. Let’s then run the testing and estimation:
    # expression intensity estimation
    # likelihood ratio test
  4. We can now cluster the estimated (significant) expression intensities into clusters of patterns. We find the optimal number of kmeans clusters K with the ELBOW method where K is chosen as a point where the distortion/inertia begins to decrease more slowly:

Based on the plots, it seems 5 can be a proper choice, thus let’s proceed with K=5 to obtain 5 pattern clusters:



Pattern 1: 6 genes
Pattern 2: 14 genes
Pattern 3: 9 genes
Pattern 4: 10 genes
Pattern 5: 9 genes

Plots: numbers and proportions of significant genes, estimated expression patterns, and estimated pattern scores

We can overlay all genes in the same cluster in cells to have a more intuitive sense of the patterns.